Friday, December 25, 2009

Should I confront my girl about this?

I said some sweet stuff to her on her myspace comments. She didn't reply until like 3-4 days later when she saw some girl that was hitting on me asking why I don't have any pics of my girl up on my myspace. So she probably replied to get her pic on there via comments. Then we conversed a while but I didn't reply back to one of hers cuz it was kinda stupid (I know)

Yesterday I posted that I love her (we got in a fight) and she still hasn't posted it back even though she has been online today. She says such sweet and loving things to me in person, holds hands in public, etc but it bothers me that she read the I love you comment and hasn't commented it back to me yet even though she was online today.

Would it seem needy or insecure to say something to her about this? It's just that she tells me she loves me in person and via email and stuff but it is kinda embarrasing to tell your girl you love her on myspace comments but not get it back...

Should I confront my girl about this?

i wouldnt worry about it..i post comments all the time on my b/f page and he never comments me big deal..he doesnt comment anyone else either...he just reads his comments/mail and logs off. its just myspace! besides it means more when they tell you they love you in person anyways....also are the comments that u leave her just for her or do u leave them for other people to see that u are her guy and to back off? i wouldnt stress about it...its only myspace

Should I confront my girl about this?

Ok...the myspace thing is stupid. People comment me all the time, and I just don't like taking the time to comment them back. I think you are reading too much into this!

Should I confront my girl about this?

Move on

Should I confront my girl about this?

Uh...if she says stuff to you in person, then you really should just let the myspace thing go. If it was the other way around, then I would say somethng, but...maybe she doesn't feel the need to comment back %26amp; forth on myspace when she can call you up to tell you she loves you.

Should I confront my girl about this?

your acting just like a chick man, grow some nuts

Should I confront my girl about this?

i would talk to her about it because my man tells me everyday that he loves wether its in public or not even in my space he send mei love u comments everyday i wouls talk to her good luck

Should I confront my girl about this?

You are WAY to focused on how she is acting and what she is doing. Starting to sound a little possessive if you ask me. Leave her alone. Women dont like men hounding them all the time. If you leave her alone im sure she wont feel like your hounding her and will start being more attentive to you. No matter what women say we'd rather have men that are harder to get then men who are always up our butts all the time.

good luck

Should I confront my girl about this?

Well, if she says it in person but cant say it on myspace, could it be that she doesnt want certain people she knows to see it?

Why not ask her?

Something doesnt seem right with it. Or maybe it could just be that she likes to keep her feelings private between just you and her.

Should I confront my girl about this?

Usually, girls love the muchy stuff. Ask questions if u want answers.

Should I confront my girl about this?

i agree with you. i'll say something. if it bothers you, get it off your chest and express how you feel about it. put it this way, it's almost like you leaving her a voicemail expressing your love for her and she heard it, along with her other voicemails, returned their calls and not reciprocate her love for you. to me, it's the same thing.

tell her how you feel. gently...

Should I confront my girl about this?

she is playing you dude, If she can't be up front on her myspace it is because she is communicating with other guys and she doesn't want to scare them off by showing you any affection on her page, thats why she only says those things to you in person. Move on there are lots of girls out there who will treat you right.

Should I confront my girl about this?

You need to stop using myspace as a crutch. If you have something to say to her then say it to her. Don't send it in a comment, email, or message. You are upset that she is not responding to your comments, well if you said it to her instead of typing it to her then you'll get an instant response or reaction.

Myspace causes nothing but trouble in relationships.

Should I confront my girl about this?

Ladies... if your guy wasn't posting back I love you. You'd have a **** fit please don't tell this guy get over it. It seems a little childish but he asked the question because that's how he feels. My ex would have a fit if i didn't leave random post on hers.

To the question giver... It's a tough call man. I think i would say something joking about it. If she gets all pissed off well... use your gut/heart and go from their.

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