Monday, December 28, 2009

Girls 17-21-ish: Facial Hair? Yes or No? Pictures Included.?

The link below is me. I just broke up with my gf and I grew a break-up beard afterwards, then shaved it a few days ago as I started to get over her. I left a goatee and sideburns as you can see from the picture. I'm looking to find a new girl, roughly my own age (I'm 19) and move forward with a new relationship but I don't know what most girls like. My ex loved my goatee and sideburns, but she is irrelevant now, so what she likes doesn't matter, lol. I get mixed responses from girls, so I'm sure there's no universal trait you all like, but I was hoping to get some feedback here. Should I shave at all or maybe re-shape my sideburns or get a new hairstyle? Or am I just a terribly unattractive person? =P

I kinda like it; sort of a Johnny Depp look I think, but I'm not trying to attract myself. Also I have more pictures on my MySpace (2nd link). Thanks. =]

Girls 17-21-ish: Facial Hair? Yes or No? Pictures Included.?

aw i liked the break up beard

your eyes are pretty

good luck!

ps: gah, it's tom petty

Girls 17-21-ish: Facial Hair? Yes or No? Pictures Included.?

I think you should shave it all. I personally don't like it on you.

Girls 17-21-ish: Facial Hair? Yes or No? Pictures Included.?

I think that the longer you keep the goatee and sideburns the more you are going to think about your ex and take all the pain with it to your next relationship. Shave it all off and start afresh. It will always grow back but in the mean time start it all fresh.

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