Friday, December 25, 2009

I'm more in love with this girl than ever before, what should I do!?

2 mths ago I took my friend out on V-day to a movie she wanted to see, I had asked Q's but went on my own intuition and i asked her if she likes me. She turned me down but said it was only cuz she didnt want to lose me as her best friend, she knew she would never, still I allowed her to push me away. I know she likes me cuz of hints she has given in bulletin on her myspace, but she wont admit anything to me. Almost every time we talk i express that i care deeply for her, enough to make it clear how i feel about her. I had a moment about a week ago and i told her in as many words as i could that she means everything to me, it was because i almost moved away, but told her that i would rather stay behind for her than move away with my family, her responce was in awe but she said she didnt know what to say and that she didnt want me to move away either, i told her i would never, and it now comes to that "Q" Should i say i love her, ill wait for the right time though. advice plz.

I'm more in love with this girl than ever before, what should I do!?

Speaking from my own experience, saying I love you now would only freak her out and cause her to push you away even more. You said she got more distant after you told her you liked her. Tell her you love her and its bound to make it 10 times worse.

The best thing you could probably do for her right now is give her a little space. If you tell her how you fell everytime you see her and she has not yet responded, there may be a reason for that. . . I don't want to sound harsh (and this may not be the actual truth) but she may just be afraid of coming out and telling you she doesn't feel the same way because she doesn't want to hurt you.

I'm more in love with this girl than ever before, what should I do!?

wow, it's difficult.. hey, you're doing the right thing of being honest with her. but also take in mind that since she is your best friend, she can also get confused with what she feels about you.. sometimes, it's only a thin line that defines love between best friends and between lovers... maybe she needs time to sort things out... be patient with her.... and yes, you can say you love her.. after all, you can still love her as your best friend, right? say something like " i love you as my best buddy, and i think this love can develop into something more than that, i think i have fallen in love with you also" ...

good luck!

I'm more in love with this girl than ever before, what should I do!?

This is a tough one. I've found myself in this situation a couple of times.

"She turned me down but said it was only cuz she didnt want to lose me as her best friend"

She says right there that she only wants to be friends. When you infiltrate the "friend circuit" ,that generally means your dead in the water.

Two ways to look at this and some advice:

1.If she's been a good friend for a while and you like hanging out with her, you have to decide if you can be just friends with her. If the answer's yes, don't mention your feelings for her and just be a friend (and treat her like one, make her pay for her own share of the night out and so on) but it'll be up to her to decide to take it to the next level. If you can't accept being just friends, tell her so and that you will not be hanging out with her any more because your feelings are getting in the way.

2. If she says she just wants to be friends but keeps sending signals, cut her loose. If you keep trying she'll just keep playing with you and that really messes with your mind.

Advice: Stop telling her all the time about your feelings, it may be that your coming across as overbearing and over time she may come around. However you could wait forever for this to happen.

Bottom Line: You made your play, she said no, move on.

Good luck!


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