Monday, December 28, 2009

Fake teen love?

what the hell is up with all these teens going around saying that they love someone within five mins of goingout with them i mean im 16 ive been on love and it takes more than five mins to mean you really love someone... just today a girl said she liked me put i didnt like her, the next 2 hours on myspace i see where shes goingout with someone and saying that she loves him and this and that.. i mean its really abusing the word "love" what are your comments on it?

Fake teen love?

Yeah you're totally right. Love is a special word that should be saved for when you really ARE in love. It's been thrown around so much when it's not even meant, the word is losing it's value.

Fake teen love?

Hormones make you crazy when you're young.

Fake teen love?

its puppy love.

Fake teen love?

I love everybody.

Fake teen love?

I'm just glad there's still some one out there that realizes this is abusing the word. Think about how your kids will be throwing it around.

Fake teen love?

its gay lol plain and simple. i just ignore it wen ppl say they love me

Fake teen love?

what can i say ... kids

Fake teen love?

Highschool. You're gonna see it. Its hormones. Confusing Being happy or entertained with other emotions. They all make you feel good and until you've had many life experiences you wont be able to distinguish between them.

Fake teen love?

i think this is because we are TEENS?

teenagers do things without thinking..

Fake teen love?

Well I like to think there are different kinds of love.

"In love" - The real thing

"Friendly love" - The way you love you friends or family

and the

"In between love" - Which would be a cross between the above two.

Fake teen love?

Love is tricky and is a word that you shouldn't be throwing around. no ofense to you but a lot of teens now a days are just dumb as hell.

Fake teen love?

It is dumb!!! oh my gosh you dont know how much it annoys me.. I am 16 and i have been with the same guy for almost 3 years %26amp; yea i tell him i love him but i do say oh im in love.. I dont know if that make sence to you but yea.. these little kids need to STOP!!

Fake teen love?

it all about crush.. =]

Fake teen love?

omg i agree

ok maybe im like younger than you but i agree

iv been going out with my boyfriend for 21/2 yrs

and we finally are starting to have more of a actual

love relationship unlike

the myspace 5min love!!

Fake teen love?


teens your age normally go through a period of infatuations.

this is the time they're mostly exposed to the opposite gender.

hence the development of such feelings.

therefore please do not let them suede your feelings about how younger people express themselves.

you probably would have felt a little elated when someone expressed their feelings to you.

and angry and pissed the next moment on how she could play around with such words.

teenage years ^____^

Fake teen love?

i am proud of you for realizin this thang

Fake teen love?

You're quite inciteful for a 16 year old male!!! Love means something different to everyone that's why you can't define it! What is love? If your friends want to use that word to express how strongly they feel that's their choice, the meaning may change as they get older!

I tell you what though, when my boyfriend says, you can't love me if.....blah blah the hell does he know. I love someone in my own way. It's something you just feel, you shouldn't have to prove it, you don't even have to tell anyone!

Fake teen love?

Some people say the word 'love' alot because its what they want to hear someone say to them. They're so obsessed with it that they think its what other people want to hear as well, so say it willy nilly...

Others will never understand love until they're REALLY in love... Some just don't value the words 'i love you' and so don't respect it

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