Monday, November 30, 2009

Girl i loved on myspace something going on...?

my profile map is 100% workin im using map loco one and it works for sure.. the weird thing is is that a girl i loved and which i tohught loved me back bloked me on the 2nd when i said things arent gonna work out between us cause she lives in dallas texas... and if i cant fly there ti wont work... and basically..

ive been viewing my visitors these past days and every 2 or 3 days im gettin views from dallas and irving and... im thinking is it her or not?? what are the odds???? do u think it oculd be her?

i get about 30 profile views a day on average and i jus think its abit unusuall they comin from that area.. am i jus dreamin or somethin??? cause i sitl love her n shyt and she still not unbloked me so whuts goin on???

Girl i loved on myspace something going on...?

She can view your page without unblocking you though, blocking you just prevents you from viewing her page. Chances are she just wants to see if you've moved on but isn't ready to talk to you again yet.

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