Saturday, November 28, 2009

Fell in love with a girl.......................on MYspace?

Well, I met this girl on myspace. She's perfect. We get along great, we love each other and things are great. We just started to talk on the phone and there are SOME awkward pauses. We've managed to laugh about it but I'd rather we didn't have awkward pauses. Any advice?????

And don't give me that "be yourself" stuff because I already know that.

Fell in love with a girl.......................on MYspace?

maybe you do love her, i mean, only you know for sure. don't listen to these people. not saying you should listen to me. the akward pauses do make you feel stupid alot on the phone like you should say something but just let them go. they will pay off later. those pauses could have saved you from saying something really stupid.

best of luck to you.

Fell in love with a girl.......................on MYspace?

u don't love her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fell in love with a girl.......................on MYspace?

It's no big deal. There are always going to be pauses. They are only awkward because it's the beginning. Chill. It's doesn't mean anything.

Fell in love with a girl.......................on MYspace?

Awkward pauses are a part of life get use to it.

Fell in love with a girl.......................on MYspace?

It's normal to feel awkward when you have just met someone, soon you will be talking like your old friends. don't worry about it.

Fell in love with a girl.......................on MYspace?

u don't love her cuz u don't kno her ok and this is a fact my friend is going out w/ somebody and she has done all this so don't go there

Fell in love with a girl.......................on MYspace?

Those Awkward Pauses Are Somewhat Normal Because When Both Of You Run Out Of Things To Say, Then What? Oh Yeah, That's Right, Here Comes That Pause. I Suggest That You Don't Try To Break The Silence Because You Might Say Something Like..Really Dorky!! Just Let It Pass And When It's Time For Conversation To Start Back Up, It Will.

Fell in love with a girl.......................on MYspace?

You can't love her, you've never even met her!

Fell in love with a girl.......................on MYspace?

well maybe if u really don't know this 'girl' then don't be with her. maybe u 2 should meet in real life in order to know each other better. And u should just be nice and like the things she likes and she will like u and then u 2 can be 'together' hope this works

Fell in love with a girl.......................on MYspace?

well i wouldn't get head over heels for this girl i mean you don't know if she is with another man of if she is playing you have you even meet in person

Fell in love with a girl.......................on MYspace?

Ah, the classic falling in love on myspace lol. Tell me what is the point in "falling in love" with someone on that site when there's a possible chance that you won't meet them at all? Internet dating is based on pure fantasy and sometimes you just get tired of it and would rather actually SEE someone than see their picture on a screen. Don't you think reality is better than something through a screen?

On the flip side I could be wrong, maybe she does live near you. In that case, yall could meet up somewhere and make it a reality.. see how she REALLY is!

Fell in love with a girl.......................on MYspace?

Give it time dont rush things. TO me awkard pauses seem to happen when 2 people feel incomfortable talking perhaps you dont know enough about eachother (I mean you did meet online) maybe Im wrong but thats my 2 cents.

Make her feel comfortable dont be hard pressuring demanding answers be more laid back and dont worry about it so much and importantly give it time.

Fell in love with a girl.......................on MYspace?

awkward pauses? man u got it easy

alright well u mite say im 2 young but trust me on this 1...i knew this girl in 1st grade and i never thought anything of her she was just 'that girl in the class tht sits in the 3rd row' or whatever she left around 5th grade and i completley 4got about i remet her on myspace at like the end of august, beginning of september and we started talkin on the computer and stuff but then we decided 2 talk on the phone 1 day pretty late at nite....we literally sat there like 'so......' "yea so uh......" and it was like tht 4 an hr...1 of our phones ended up dyin but thts not the we're bf/gf and we've been goin out since november 28th and we have plenty of good conversations without those awkward takes a lil time i mean she lives far enough away where i c her onyl once evry couple weeks so the phone really helps...well srry 4 boring u wit my story but wat im sayin is dont worry it'll get alot better jus give it time

Fell in love with a girl.......................on MYspace?

So you have like not actually met this girl? Whatever you do, don't be yourself!

you are a guy whose lover is someone you have never met. Be someone else!

Fell in love with a girl.......................on MYspace?

Take it slow. You don't know this person yet. You can be anyone on the internet. When you are talking you will be able to get to know each other better. Relax.

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