Monday, November 30, 2009

Does my girlfriend really love me? She gets mad at every girl that calls me cute.

We have been dating on and off for about 2 and a half years. We only break up when i think she is trying to talk to one of my friends. She is a very nice person, and she calls everyone sweetie, and she talks to alot of my friends on myspace. All of my friends thinks that she likes them and then when she finds out she gets mad. How can i make/ask her to stop being so nice with my hommies? It really pi$$es me off when someone tell me that my girl is always witing them over the enternet. Or calling them just to talk. I hate that. But i love her so much. What should i do? Is she really trying to talk to them or is she just taht type of person. We have been dating almost three years ad i still cant figure it out. She swears on everything that she isn't cheating on me or trying to. She has cheated on me twice and i have cheated on her 3 times, but i still dont know if i can trust her. I love her so much. I just dont want to be hurt. She is always telling me that she loves me more But......

Does my girlfriend really love me? She gets mad at every girl that calls me cute.

you cheated on her too, so maybe she doesn't trust you either.

She's not going to change who she is, so she'll always be talking to your friends whether u like it or not. people dont change for other people.

If you really love her why did you cheat on her?

maybe you just wanted something different but like having her there anyway.

either way it's not healthy, i think you should take time off from each other and go out with other people. maybe it's not her u love but the idea of her.

Does my girlfriend really love me? She gets mad at every girl that calls me cute.

she is incredibly naive. she's the type of girl that will crush a good guy or several before she realizes what she's done. remember that every guy is a good guy until he meets a bad girl. your girlfriend may not be a bad girl now, but her downfall will be her ignorance and inability to recognize that she's flirting with everybody.

Does my girlfriend really love me? She gets mad at every girl that calls me cute.

You and her need to go your seperate ways. If you guys cheat on each other, then all your relationship is based on a lie. Find someone you can trust, she needs to do the same. Bye!

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