Thursday, December 3, 2009

Should I delete my ex's myspace?

I 'm trying to get over him, but I can't stop logging into his myspace. I end up reading all his blogs about another girl he "loves". He used me to try and get over her. We dated for 2 1/2 years, but towards the end he had personal issues and he dumped me. It was so bad I had to use antidepressants, but I got better. 5 months later we start talking again as friends and a month later he emails me confessing how he misses me and loves me. So I give it a chance, but a week into it, he dumps me by text (again!) while I'm away. I logged into his myspace and now I can't stop looking and reading. I'm really angry he used me, and I should hate him. I don't know if I do. I just want to stop looking because it hurts me, but my anger is affecting my self control. It's stalking. That's why I think I should delete it. It's mean, but how else do I stop? I should tell him I know the password, but I don't want to admit to him that weakness in me because I feel so humiliated and weak by him already.

Should I delete my ex's myspace?

It was not very fair of him to be so careless with your emotions. I know its not okay to delete someones MySpace but honestly if I were in your position I don't know what I would do. Its easy to tell someone to do the right thing but when you're hurt and angry its another story. But look at it this way, if you do delete it you may feel better momentarily but he'll just make a new one. And just remember that there are better guys out there but in order to be able to move on and meet them you'll have to start to let go of this idiot. Dumping someone by text is pretty lame you can absolutely find someone better!

Should I delete my ex's myspace?

delete it delete it delete it! and everything that has to do with him!

Should I delete my ex's myspace?

delete him off of your myspace for your own sanity! The more you look at his page, the worse everything will be.

Should I delete my ex's myspace?

well. you should delete your ex's myspace or block his myspace. he ruined your life! screw him up!

Should I delete my ex's myspace?


Ok first off tell him you still know his password so he can change it.

Second delete him from your friends list. Don't delete his account because that is crossing the line into crazyville.

Should I delete my ex's myspace?

something similar to that has happened to me and I would do what your doing looking at his page but you need to get rid of it he should be looking at your page and crying over you since you took him back.But the point is try to move on because he'll never change trust me he'll say things just to use you. Don't let him do that any more because you deserve better.

Should I delete my ex's myspace?

ahhhh myspace.....anyways you should delete it!! end of story, erase the past and move on with the present.

Should I delete my ex's myspace?

dont delete his myspace after all ull eventually get over him all u have to do is no worry about him et him live his own life sooner or later hell start seeing that what he did was wrong and iv been in that situation just fight it and act like he doesnt even exist just ignore everything about him and dont take him back hes not worth ur time and just confess to him that u know that way he changes it u cant log on and delet him as a friend trust me it helps...well i hope i helped

Should I delete my ex's myspace?

Definitely. Stop thinking about him. If he starts talking to you again just ignore him and tell him that you don't even want to be friends with him. Get your mind off him with some other thing or get a new guy. Trust me that helped me get over this guy I liked. Just tell yourself that he's taken. It'll work.

Should I delete my ex's myspace?

Myspace is too much drama when there is enought to begin with. How stupid. More importand things to worry about dont ya think?

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