Thursday, December 3, 2009

Does she love me, or am I just being lied to. :(?

Well, I am in love with this girl. We've been together for a long time. At first, we talked often, we were always smiling and we talked about everything.

But now, after a few months, things have changed. We hardly ever see each other. And when we talk on the phone, I'm the only one really doing the talking. She never says that she loves me anymore. And at times, it feels she just ignores me.

Even on myspace, she doesn't messenge me, she ignores me. She sometimes acts af if I'm not even there.

For instance, at prom, she didn't want to take pictures with me. And when she did, she never put her arm around me. But, she was more than happy to take pictures with her other guy friends, and put her arm around them.

I feel as if she just doesn't love me. But she is too shy to tell me. Because we are both really shy. I feel as if I am not wanted anymore.

She doesn't even call if she has the chance anymore. I feel as if the love we shared is now gone. What do I do?

Does she love me, or am I just being lied to. :(?

since you guys have been going for a really long time, she probably just got used to you, as in, she doesn't feel the need to be all "i'm in love with you and i'm just so hyper!". she feels that you know that she loves you. but with those other examples, it does seem kind of weird.

the best thing that you could do is talk to her about it. if you truly cared about the relationship, you would talk to her, and if she cared back, then she would talk to you and tell you what she feels

good luck

Does she love me, or am I just being lied to. :(?

tell her i luv u do u luv me?

Does she love me, or am I just being lied to. :(?

Tell her about your problem, and how you think that you two are drifting apart.

Does she love me, or am I just being lied to. :(?

sorry to tell you this but you need to dump her now. dont give her the chance. she sounds very inconsiderate. and no one needs that crap in thier life. she is not even trying. find the girl for you go out and have fun

Does she love me, or am I just being lied to. :(?

First off you mentioned prom so that must mean you are in high school still....ive been out of high school for 2 yrs (not long i know) and in those 2 years alot has happened to me!

Dont waste your time on someone who isnt willing to put forth the same amount of effort. More then likely your lives will lead you different ways and there is always someone else out there.

It may hurt to lose her but its better to be hurt once then letting her continuously hurt you emotionally over and over by ignoring you and treating you like you are nothing to her.

Hope that helps.

Does she love me, or am I just being lied to. :(?

You should ask her friends why or just confront her. I think that you should see what happened to make her act this way. Is some one else involved? In the meantime, some new friends should help you to feel normal.

Does she love me, or am I just being lied to. :(?

I dont think she really likes you anymore. I acted like this with my last boyfriend because i didnt want to break up with him. I acted like that so he would break up with me. It seems like you really like her but just talk to her about it and if things dont work out break up with her.

Does she love me, or am I just being lied to. :(?

Move on. The signals are loud and clear, you just don't want to hear or see them. You can't make anyone love you, it either is or it isn't. You're seems like this is the whole world right now but it's not, believe me. I can't even remember some of the names of the guys I used to have a major crush on in high school now, but back then (20 years ago), it seemed like life was going to end if they never noticed me!

Does she love me, or am I just being lied to. :(?

i have been in a similar situation.sounds like she is not mature enough to be honest with you and her pride is bigger than her common sense,also she doesn't want to look bad in front of her friends and family,when she really is.

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