Friday, December 25, 2009

I can't compete with myspace floozies- i feel like a square with my old flame..?

We were together for years as teenagers-into music, clothes, being cool-and broke and against the world-now we are emailing years later as single adults and I have a great job, went to college, etc-he didn't and is in his hometown still-but I like to have fun and he is still smart and great to talk to, but looking at his myspace page and the women he is chatting with I suddenly feel like an old aquare- even though he called me his first love and said he wished we were together agian. In the time we were apart - he dated a junkie and a "white trash girl"- his term, not mine- but now that we are emailing again I am getting hot/cold signals- happy to talk one minute- cold and judgemental the next--it sucks- i love this man- but I am having a hard time getting to know him again- he used to be open and loving- now its awkward- my sister says be patient, its been years, but I am sad and worried-the man I loved would take a girl who is looking for sex online over the real thing??? Confused-

I can't compete with myspace floozies- i feel like a square with my old flame..?

I don't think guys really like email. Have you tried calling him?

I can't compete with myspace floozies- i feel like a square with my old flame..?

Just about every guy I have ever talked to online is only looking for free sex and if given the chance they take it, they don't care about how other's feel about them but when you find out what he is dating do you really want to risk maybe getting some kind of STD from him POOF him there are better men out there I myself am competeing with drugs and booze not other women, but just as bad, good luck hon we all deserve a good man I for one know that so maybe I just need to hold off and wait for that ship to come carring my Knight In Shining Armor, you too are better off with out his sorry hiney, online sex is really getting out of control

I can't compete with myspace floozies- i feel like a square with my old flame..?

Trust me if he's not on my space he'll be on a different free sex site. I'm to the point that all men go on line for sex of some sort. It's out of control!

I can't compete with myspace floozies- i feel like a square with my old flame..?

Trust me...I have been to my space, and half of the people on there are using very old pictures and the rest of them are trashy hoes, that are all talk and no action. Do you think they are really trying to hook up with him on-line when they can go outside and spread em' and get faster results? Take it slow...don't give up, and whatever you do...go out on a live date with him before he gets away again. You have a wonderful opportunity...take it.

I can't compete with myspace floozies- i feel like a square with my old flame..?

It sounds as if you would like to pursue a more serious relationship with this man, but question whether or not he is really interested in you. I think that your sister gave you good advise. Rather than fretting and jumping to conclusions, give things some time. I wouldn't worry too much about his myspace friends. Chances are most of them are just casual eye candy. Talking on the phone is probably a good idea. Some confusion and potential misunderstanding might be avoided. He seems to be sending mixed signal, and that could be because he is himself confused and unsure about things. You might try giving him some space and letting him make the next move. Try not to crowd him.

I hope things work out well for the two of you.

I can't compete with myspace floozies- i feel like a square with my old flame..?

these answers are two funny

I can't compete with myspace floozies- i feel like a square with my old flame..?

If he said you are the love of his life on a web page, then you should believe it, I think he wants to be back together with you, but is insecure and perhaps fearful, you have a college education, and he did nothing. Do not get concerned about the stuff he has going on online, just try to have some dates and go from there, if it's meant to be, real feelings will come up to the surface and you will know. I think he really desires to be back with you, you didn't explain how he is judgmental, he is dated sleazy girls and you are not that way, so he doesn't know how to keep up with you now and he'll have to be able to step up to the plate, allow him to notice his insecurities, I'm sure there is a subliminal way you can let that take place.

Be patient and if this guy is younger than you, then that might be a problem because he is immature. You be sure of yourself no matter what if he is insecure or confused you let him feel whatever he wants to feel, it's his problem not yours, you on the other hand act the exact opposite, self assured, happy, lively, outgoing, fun, humorous and he'll see he's been missing something great and better than all those girls he dated, low lifys, you have to show him you are nothing like them, I'm sure you would without even trying, so keep your chin up and get to work.

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