He's amazing, he's 18 Im 14. He christian, musician, everything a girl could want. What should I do though. We talk alot alot and he basically know everything about me and same for me to him. I love him I want him but I live in Michigan and he lives in Missouri.
I need help..... I fell in love with a guy on myspace.?
honey, let it go. do u have ANY idea how many girls such of your age gave said the same EXACT THING. "oh, hes perfect everyting a girl could ask for...theres so possible way hes lying he has pictures and proof" aha..think again...MANY who have had this same thing goin on have met them and ended up well u know...getting raped, kidnapped...or even KILLED. i KNOW u dont want to here this and you thinking "gosh im 14 your an adult u dont understand what its like to be a kid" OH TRUST ME i know. there is so many other things u could enjoy at your age. find yourself a guy u know personally and u can see. im sorry if u dont like my answer but im jus trying to help. good luck! :)
I need help..... I fell in love with a guy on myspace.?
hope you like smelly old men and stockholm syndrome.
I need help..... I fell in love with a guy on myspace.?
forget about it
I need help..... I fell in love with a guy on myspace.?
First of all you should, click on start then shutdown and then walk outside and meet "real" people in your neighbourhood.
I need help..... I fell in love with a guy on myspace.?
don't go for it
it might be dangerous
I need help..... I fell in love with a guy on myspace.?
dont fall for it he is probably a malester and is faking it
I need help..... I fell in love with a guy on myspace.?
You're not in love. It's hormones. Get off myspace before you get into trouble. An 18 year old has no business involving himself with a minor- that's illegal.
I need help..... I fell in love with a guy on myspace.?
Hes a loser if hes 18 and is interested in a 14 yr old. Your 14 for christ sake! You live in two different states. Im being perfectly honest here, its pointless to try and continue anything with him when hes that far away. Your in love with him over the computer............. enough said.
I need help..... I fell in love with a guy on myspace.?
I need help..... I fell in love with a guy on myspace.?
Talk to your parents about it, ask them if they think it's a good idea. 99% chance that it isn't. Don't take this personally but there isn't much in common between an 18 year old and a 14 year old. You also should not be giving all (or any for this matter) information about yourself via the internet.
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