Thursday, December 3, 2009

Have you ever seen this on Myspace?

I see on alot of girls myspace where they have a little box that comes up when you move the mouse around and it stops sometimes it'll say who the love [i love alex] or the date they started dating [10.26.07 %26lt;3] or lil qoutes. But if any one knows what im talking about let me know and also let me know where i can get the code for that i want to do it to my myspace. I think its cute but i had asked my friend but shes a bioootch sometimes thinking everybody wants to bite of her so she didnt tell me. lol. oh well.

Have you ever seen this on Myspace?

its mouse scroller. i dont remember where u can get it. ughh. i think u can find at or

sorry, i just dont remember what website it is!

Have you ever seen this on Myspace?

can you give a page as example

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