Sunday, December 6, 2009

Hopelessy in love!!pleeze help?

well ive liked this girl ever since i saw her last year at my school..shes been single for months and i think as well as many other guys do in my school tht she i s the most beutifal thing in the world!!...i talked to her twice to hang out wit me,i got da #,she never piked up,replyed my myspace messages and so on...i dnt wnt her to think im a stalker or nuthin like tht but i think about her all the time i even strted watchin gay movies like the notebook lol...someone( preferabbly chiks) pleeze help me out im in love with this girl!!and there is no way to get to now her first because i only pass her in the hallway once a day but shes always wit her feends??

Hopelessy in love!!pleeze help?

omg i had to struggle to read. but you just infatuated period. ok. if she is for you she will come to you.

Hopelessy in love!!pleeze help?

She doesn't like you and you should give up.

Hopelessy in love!!pleeze help?

Ask her in person. Even if she is always with her friends you could always just ask her if you could talk to her alone.

Good Luck!

Hopelessy in love!!pleeze help?

u cant be in love with someone you dont know anything about. its called infactuation sweety. whatever u do dont get clingy bc then she'll get annoyed and want nothing to do with you. If she doesnt take the time of day to get to know u then move on bc there is plenty of other fish in the sea that r just as beautiful if not more.

Hopelessy in love!!pleeze help?

sorry to say this

but she dosn't like you

end of story


Hopelessy in love!!pleeze help?

if she does like you, she'll find all of the attention really cute...but it seems like she's avoiding you, so just keep it on the friend level for now and let her know that. sometimes she may become more attracted to you if you don't act desperate, but whatever you do, don't play hard to get. trust me, us girls hate it.

Hopelessy in love!!pleeze help?

aww, how cute when you see her in the hallway talk to her and if you have any classes with her pass her a note or you should play hard to get thats how i got this one guy to like me.

Hopelessy in love!!pleeze help?

send her a valentines day card... will give her the hint...or find out where she goes at weekends n accidently bump into her or get chattin to her friends, they'll end up putting good words in for you.

Hopelessy in love!!pleeze help?

you need to get this girl alone and talk to her you need to ask her to go out mini golfing or something fun that you can talk and spend time with her and so she doesn't feel uncomfortable sometimes you have to make a fool of yourself to get a girls attention just be yourself and that should be enough good luck

Hopelessy in love!!pleeze help?

You can always get one of her best friends to help u out ?

if you don't think you can ask her yourself. or you could always throw a small party at your house and invite her with

her friends, that way u can get to know her better.

Hopelessy in love!!pleeze help?

Girls always want what they cant have its a proven fact so don't pay her any attention for awhile shell come around , act as if she doesn't exist but be nice to her if she tries to talk to you but don't act to anxious play it cool and reap the rewards.

Hopelessy in love!!pleeze help?

try to approach her! tell her what you really feels for her!! youre doing nothing but you are expecting for something!!!! ooooh!!! thats a bad attitude boy!! try my advice, ther is no harm in trying.... okkkkk?%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;

Hopelessy in love!!pleeze help?

she gave you fake digits or just doesn't want you. face it kid. You don't even know this girl so it's not her that you are in love with.

in this situation you being in love with her is like me falling for Brad Pitt. He's just a hot man that i don't even know, but he just happens to give me(a fan) his autograph a fake number anyway because i will never see him again.

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