Sunday, December 6, 2009

What is appropiate to say to this girl i found on myspace after 4 years?

I am a guy by the way. The last time i talked to this girl was in the 7th grade (she moved) we used to be best friends (or just really close). I never made a move on her (give me a break i was in the 7th grade). Recently i have found her on myspace (now in the 11th grade) and we have IM'd each other a few times and it turns out she is like the perfect girl for me. She makes me laugh and I love how i can make her laugh too. Plus she is really attractive. My problem is that i am really busy with a job, and school, and tennis that i can't have a gf right at this time. So my question is what can i say (in general) so that we can be close friends, but not in a bf/gf kinda manner? I mean can i really be funny or should i only talk to her once in a while, or should i talk all day, or what?

What is appropiate to say to this girl i found on myspace after 4 years?

just keep talking with her. just talk to her like you normally would. not any less or any more. if u feel like you want to be more than friends any time soon, hint at it. chances are she might be in the same boat.

What is appropiate to say to this girl i found on myspace after 4 years?

talk to her as much as you can --- that keeps the connection going and you can get a feel for how she considers you --- a friend or something more --- and you really need to get your priorities in order --- what is more important your relationship with her or things that will change or become irrelevant in a short time --- best wishes

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