Sunday, December 6, 2009

I need both girls and guys opinions please!!?

if your boyfriend of 11 months suddenly took your picture off of his myspace page put single on his page and changed his password how would you feel and what would you think?..Even though he says i love you myspace doesnt mean anything i didnt think it would matter it doesnt determine my relationship with you im still with you i didnt think that myspace mattered..How would you feel? Am i overeacting by being upset about it? and guys would you do this to your girlfriend? should i believe him or not?

I need both girls and guys opinions please!!?

thats crazy... it does matter.

if my boyfriend did that i would be furious!!

why would he change it to single?? tell him to change it back now or dump him.

I need both girls and guys opinions please!!?

If his status on myspace is single then you definently have a problem. I would be mad.

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He is probably cheating or at least looking for another girlfriend. Dump him before he dumps you.

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Yes...until he breaks up with you in person he is still with you.

Don't live by'll kill the relationship pretty quickly.

I need both girls and guys opinions please!!?

maybe he is mad at you or he is gettin ready to cheat so watch out you never know!!!

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I don't think you're overreacting.He's hiding something on that Myspace.You never know what people do with pictures anymore.

I need both girls and guys opinions please!!?

No I would NOT believe him...........Myspace does matter, it is real. It is a real live way of talking to and meeting people. If he is serious about you , "Why does he need to look like he is single?" How would he feel if you did the same to him?

If he loves you , it would make him jealous and mad, that means he is a jerk and wants to keep you and get other girls too. If he doesnt care, it means he prob doesnt really care about you. I would leave him like Yesterday!

I need both girls and guys opinions please!!?

well id be upset and id tell my friends and then id get my friends to ask him like how its going with me.. but that only works if he doesnt think ur friends r gunna tell u

like once this kid told my bestfirned he was gunna ask me out and EVERYTHING he was gunna do and she sent me the whole thing, people can be stupid like that

I need both girls and guys opinions please!!?

mmm, i haven't had a bf, but my friend has. my friend has single on her page and she had a bf, it didn't interfere with their relationship. i'm not sure about the changing the pass thing though, you might want to ask him about that. maybe his parents are on his back. i'd probably be confused about it, but get over it. :]

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why is he single on myspace. Hes right that it doesnt determine your relationship but why does he want 22 million people to think hes single

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maby he jus want to no if he is still a ladies man but i dont think he's cheatin on u

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I mean I know some people hate to say that they are in a relationship on internet. Beleive him until he does something..

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Well i mean i quess thats anoying, but it dosnt mean he dosnt love you. If somone says I LOVE YOU, than they do. they can change tehre myspace picture and passwords as much as they want, that dosnt have to do with your relastionship stand points with him.

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If he says it doesn't matter then ask him to put it back. And if he still says it doesn't matter then you should be slightly concerned because that is kind of like saying that how you feel doesn't matter. I hope this helps.

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i wouldn't believe him he's just going to end up hurting you I'd dump him **** he's just being rude

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I need both girls and guys opinions please!!?

You should talk to him. This does not sound very good. If he is not publically calling you his girlfriend then maybe he wants to take things back to friendship. If he didn't change the myspace back once he realized you were concerned, then unfortunately I don't think he feels the same way he used to about you. I hope I am wrong. Good luck!

PS- don't assume things you don't know, because if you are wrong, things can get messy.

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My husband did the same thing - only here on YA. He took off "happily married" from his profile. He did it to attract females, the jerk.

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well it is kinda mean casue u are supposed to put that stuff on your myspace but don't get to mad u should maybe ask him why he did that. :) hope it helps

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WTF???? You have every reason to be pissed, he is trying to pull a fast on you with that sorry a** excuse. Why would anyone out of the blue take off their bf or gf's picture and change his status to single unless, he just broke up with his girl, was planning on breaking up with his girl, or wanted to make it look that way so he can appear single to others. That is some bull sh*t honey i would flip out if i were in your shoes.

I need both girls and guys opinions please!!?

Sorry, but worry. He's obviously done this knowing you'll see it and is either looking for someone else or is too much of a coward to bring it up with you and is waiting for you to bring it up. Probably also hoping you'll flip and therefore giving him the excuse he needs to break up.

Put it to him as clear as day. Say you're not happy with it and think you should break up - call his bluff - watch his reaction

I need both girls and guys opinions please!!?

tell him to put you back on, somethings obviously wrong..he doesnt want other people konwing he's in a relationship

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sorry, but sounds like he wants another gf, but won't dump you until he finds another have a right to be upset

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If from the beginning of the relationship he didn't chance his status then you can just say "maybe he just doesn't care that much about myspace". But to chance it in the middle of your relationship, I would look into the possibility of him cheating. That may be very hard to hear but that is a very real possibility. Do some investigating if need be. Don't just to any conclusions but always keep it in your mind that if he's denying you on myspace, he may be denying you in real life.

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Ask him why, if it does not matter, then why did he bother to change it. I would be mad if I were you and I would see this as a problem and that he is not committed to you. Sorry :(

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Personally, I would be offended. However some guys lie on their pages to attract more friends on the page. If their other things in the relationship that make you doubt the relationships strength, maybe you give it more consideration. Only you know he is really being truthful to you. Follow your heart. Be open about your feelings. Don't let your feeling ball up and cause a explosion later in the relationship.

I need both girls and guys opinions please!!?

He says "single" and puts that IN WRITING.

Then, he wants you to listen to some other story?

If you like how it feels to be lied to, then keep hanging around this one.

If not...

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