Thursday, December 3, 2009

;( I love her with all my heart, i cant stop crying !! plz help me :(?

ok so i was in love with this girl in the beginning of the summer and she ended up not liking me anymore and she got a boyfriend. I cried night after night and day after day over her and i told her how i felt but she still wanted to be with her bf. I was so depressed that i couldn't even sleep at night and i had trouble eating. about a month ago i finally started getting over her but i looked on her boyfriends myspace profile a little while ago and i seen a picture of the both of them holding hands and stuff and idk it just crushed my heart. I love her so much, everything about her, her voice, her smile, her face, just her attitude and the way she is; like everything about her. i just wanna hold her so tight and kiss her and ever let her go, but i cant do that. I love her so much and id go to the moon n back 4 her and do anything for her. i'm about to cry now and i don't know what to do. i am so sad right now and i don't wanna cry and be depressed again. I love her so much, please help

;( I love her with all my heart, i cant stop crying !! plz help me :(?

I'm sorry man, but it's time to let go and get over her. She has moved on and you need to do the same.

If it makes you feel better... the best girl I'd ever met in my life.. I dated for a short period of time when I was on break (a couple weeks). I went back to school (a few hours away) and we talked just about every day. I ended up freaking out on her because of the pressure (lots of circumstances and the long distance) and we ended up calling it off. She has a boyfriend now, but instead of being selfishly obsessed I let her go and I've moved on to other girls and I don't feel sad about it anymore.

Take a few deep breaths and realize that once you stop your self-pity someone just as good or better will come along and brighten your life right back up.

;( I love her with all my heart, i cant stop crying !! plz help me :(?

love hurts no way around it but what i would do is try your best to move on find friends and hang out with them to get your mind off of her and soon enough you will find someone else i know that you will never forget her but as the saying goes it better to have loved and lost then to have never loved at all wish you all the best in getting over her

;( I love her with all my heart, i cant stop crying !! plz help me :(?

you need to get her out of your head and move on. shes not going to come back. just see other girls

;( I love her with all my heart, i cant stop crying !! plz help me :(?

Thats how I felt when my stupid Gandma wouldnt let me play Warcraft anymore!Now I just burn bugs out in the yard you should try it ITS FUN!

;( I love her with all my heart, i cant stop crying !! plz help me :(?

If she doesnt want to be with you there's nothing you can do, STOP LOOKING AT MYSPACE PHOTOS!!!! It only amplifies the pain. Only time can help, get out there and get in the dating game or get out and hang out with friends. Get your mind off it all. I know it all hurts and you feel as if the walls are falling down around you, but in time that will fade.

;( I love her with all my heart, i cant stop crying !! plz help me :(?

o john its time to move on mate please join a club in your area that keep your mind off her ... good luck..

;( I love her with all my heart, i cant stop crying !! plz help me :(?

wow u really love her to the point u start crying every night..

aww how sweet but u seriously need to get over her she's breaking ur heart.

( i know it hard )

: ]

;( I love her with all my heart, i cant stop crying !! plz help me :(?

I know this will sound cliche, but it's totally true. If you love her you would let her go. Think about it, if you love her the only thing you would want would for her to be happy. I'm sorry to say this but, she IS happy with her boyfriend. Therefore you should forget about her and move on. There are many other amazing and beautiful women out there who would be happy to have your love. Don't lose hope.

;( I love her with all my heart, i cant stop crying !! plz help me :(?

dude, grow a ******* sack. no wonder she doesnt like you. and im in like the same situation and yeah i love her and cant have her BUT i dont ******* cry about it. go fight somebody or go steal something. it doesnt matter what you do just stop being a little *****

;( I love her with all my heart, i cant stop crying !! plz help me :(?

I know what you mean and I know you dont want to hear this but "whats meant to be will be"

;( I love her with all my heart, i cant stop crying !! plz help me :(?

i hate myspace. it is evil and makes people like you suffer more. you will get over this it will just take time.

;( I love her with all my heart, i cant stop crying !! plz help me :(?

Okay, do me a favor. Stand up, shake your body, from your hands and fingers, to your head, to your buttocks, to your feet and toes, then jump up and down. Now shake your whole body and shout out "your actin like a nut!" It works for me. You have to snap out of this world you were in, because she's no longer there. It's a loss cause, because it's one-sided. Don't even waste your time with the fantasies of her being there, because it will just keep you down. Talk to new people. Find distractions.

The hardest thing about moving on is not realizing that you can move on, but once you do you need to be optimistic for something better. You deserve better. You want a relationship where you and the girl share the same feelings--that's the only way relationships work. This couldn't have worked when she doesn't feel the same. You can do it. Just use the power of your mind, and put your heart on layaway for now.

Go ahead and cry today, but tomorrow is a new day. Find that backbone you once had and find someone who's actually worth your tears.

;( I love her with all my heart, i cant stop crying !! plz help me :(?

its time to move on. you told how you felt n she just doesnt have feelings for you. dont waste your time on crying and being depressed over her. there are plenty of other girls out there. you should be happy for her, that shes found a guy that she truly loves. dont waste any more time on her. go out and meet someone new.....


;( I love her with all my heart, i cant stop crying !! plz help me :(?

wow , back to the the moon n just for her, I bet if ur mum tell's you go to th market,, Well i know ur answer,

Ok, listEN to Elvis song.. Love me tender or Madonna'

'DONT CRY FRO ARGENTINA'!!! to expnsive for the moon, cheaper in argentina!!!!

all the best

;( I love her with all my heart, i cant stop crying !! plz help me :(?

Similar to my situation, and yes it is VERY painful, I still am not completly over it either, I just was hard getting over her and she kept pushing it my face also till I just eventually blew, and what helped me is I been listening to CrossFade (so far away song) you should try it, it puts you in the mood where basically O well you know? The song is about how this guy changed and thought he was nothing without her, then he realilzed he changed and now he is looking back at her and singing this song and telling her that he has changed and now she will never see him now.

;( I love her with all my heart, i cant stop crying !! plz help me :(?

ok this happen to my friend when she broke up with her boyfriend.

he is a selfish jerk and he went about his feeelings all the wrong ways.

respect her feelings and she will thank you for it.

relationships dont last forever and you should be there for her is hers ends

;( I love her with all my heart, i cant stop crying !! plz help me :(?

you know what bro what you got for her is real love,

but sometimes is best to let go her heart is taken and you cant do much about it but to move on thats all you can do if you love her and want for her to be happy you have to let her go and let her carry out her own life, and i know it hurts alot

but dont worry in time your heart will heal the best remedy for a broken heart is a new love. love is a ***** sometimes but you just gotta kepp your head up bro. let her go adn find someone else that doesnt take you for granted you got alot of love and am sure adn i guarantee it that theres some one out there for you you just gotta be patient...

;( I love her with all my heart, i cant stop crying !! plz help me :(?

You need to take a break. Just get yourself relaxed. You're in a transition, and they suck hardcore. Just give yourself time to let it go and decide when you want to start anew. There are no timetables for this sort of thing, you'll just have to ride it out. But remember, it ends when you say it ends, but no one can do that but you.

;( I love her with all my heart, i cant stop crying !! plz help me :(?

Just shoot the guy and she will come crying on your shoulder. Or look for a new chick --- whichever is easier.

;( I love her with all my heart, i cant stop crying !! plz help me :(?

You sound very sad and upset and you don't know what you should be doing with these emotions. Most importantly, give yourself time to grieve. You have lost someone whom you felt very deeply for and you will not get over this overnight.

It is important for you to not think that there is something wrong with you or that you are unlovable or defective in some way because this girl left you. You need to bear in mind that you cannot make someone love you. It is up to the other person whether or not they let you into their heart. Different people have different ideas about love and relationships and it is clear that this was the case with you and this girl. Because she is with someone else, you need to accept the fact that this is happened and that she considers this person to be right for her.

Do not beat yourself up and think negatively about yourself. The fact that you had a girlfriend and the way you articulated yourself in your question indicates that you are an intelligent, attractive, sensitive and good human being who is capable of love. Your heart is precious and it is up to you who you share it with.

Remember, there is no such thing as "the one"--- it all depends on time, place and situation. You will continue to go through life meeting great people, all of which could possibly be "the one" depending on the time and situation. Don't sell yourself short and remember there are plenty of fish in the sea.

;( I love her with all my heart, i cant stop crying !! plz help me :(?

you need to try to relax this summer I know Hope you feel i still love him, it has been 5 years that i have loved him ever since but i cant talk to him cause he loves my BFF and now his moving away!!!!

so don't ever give up on love!!!!!!! but don't just cry your way out, its just a waste of time then be more romantic, while you still have a chance!!!! :(( not like me, but like i told you i will never give up i will look for him and wait even for a million years.

;( I love her with all my heart, i cant stop crying !! plz help me :(?


It just seems that you havent got over her yet.

You must let go, move on with your life and who knows? You may even find someone sweeter and more loving.

;( I love her with all my heart, i cant stop crying !! plz help me :(?

tell her how you feel

;( I love her with all my heart, i cant stop crying !! plz help me :(?

Well,man i tihnk you should just really let her go, 1.if you explained to her your feelings and she wasn't even considerate enough to take them in or anything then she doesn't care for you as much as if she's actually said anything,she's moved on with another guy,and you must let her go,let her be,and pray for the wife that god has planned to bring you later on in life,and rest it in his hands to take care of it.

;( I love her with all my heart, i cant stop crying !! plz help me :(?

if you really love her, then wish the best for her or it is possessive!

you really need to know that she is no longer for you, you can have a better life, find one girl that is totally yours an your only, you are just being unwilling to let go thinking that SHE IS YOURS WILL NOT HELP AT ALL. she is what she is, and she belong to herself only!!!

wish you good luck!!!

;( I love her with all my heart, i cant stop crying !! plz help me :(?


wow, i never knew a guy can love a girl that much esp. as a teen.

i don't want to be mean but two words: move on?

there's plenty of fish in the sea.

here, i think these articles will sorta change your mood or you:






okay, now i'm finished researching for you....get well.

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