Sunday, December 6, 2009

I'm 17 and truly love this girl?

Well I go to high school and known this girl since 8th grade.We are both juniors and the moment I met her I felt like Ive never felt in my life. Prom is coming up soon and I only have until April 14 to convince her to go with me. The Problem is I don't talk to her a lot and although she knows who I am and she sometimes says hi to me in the hallway at school I am known as a shy type of guy. If I would ask her something like that she would probably be really confused and stuff. I talked with her on myspace yesterday but we only talked about how our spring break has gone. How should I tell her is there anything I can do before I tell her to sort of break the ice a little? I don't think I'm ugly or anything but I'm just kind of shy well heres a picture of me at my myspace

I'm 17 and truly love this girl?

Take a chance and ask her, what have you got to loose?

I'm 17 and truly love this girl?

It's not going to happen unless you buy her a diamond necklace

I'm 17 and truly love this girl?

At 17 you dont know what love is. Wait till your older.

I'm 17 and truly love this girl?

just go up to her and ask her!!!! don't be scared!!!!

I'm 17 and truly love this girl?

You're 17... you will know what true love is later. And besides, how can you say you love someone if you don't even date her??

I'm 17 and truly love this girl?

dude just make the call.

I asked a girl who spoke little english (she was from Brazil) and she was kinda confused, but went with me in the end. Best decision of my High School years.

You have nothing to lose. I was shy in HS too, but you can eventually grow out of it the more you challenge situations like these.

good luck

I'm 17 and truly love this girl?

awww ur cute, u do look shy but tht just adds to ur cuteness =)

ask this girl, just walk up to her, and say "I was wondering if i cld take you to the prom?"

everythign shld work out =)

good luck

I'm 17 and truly love this girl?

If you don't know her then there is no feasible way that you can be in love with her. Did you ever think that you are in love with the idea of being with her? Find a girl that your are friends with and have a fun time.

I'm 17 and truly love this girl?

dude start talking to her more and more everyday. In a week or so tell her how you feel and ask her.

I'm 17 and truly love this girl?

if you want her to say yes when you ask her to prom

you have to do something spectacular.

a. you need to be less shy. talk to her in the halls even if its only a "how was your weekend?"

b. talk to her a little bit every day

c. after a week and a half of this ask her to go to dinner with u

d. tell her to close her eyes and surprise her with roses and just ask her

I'm 17 and truly love this girl?

So, Pedro, you 'love' a girl you barely talk to..... you aren't in love, you are in LUST. Some may say that you are a stalker; you watch her from a far, constantly drooling over her and her every move. You should listen to the song 'Every Breathe You Take' by The Police. That song is about a stalker to. In my opinion, you are over infatuated with this girl for some reason, and you have been blind sighted by what other options are out there. Chances are you will not ever be with this girl, but you can try, and will get rejected. I like this quote, "True love will find you in the end, you'll find out it just was your friend". Open your eyes.

I'm 17 and truly love this girl?

well why dont you go to like a group date and iinvite her and you guys could get to know eachother much more

or you can just start talking to her more often and get closer that way when you want to ask her out she will feel more comfortable and probably say yes!

I'm 17 and truly love this girl?

You look like a how bout you act like one? Grow some gonads and ask her. What's the worst that could happen? Rejection? well get used to that buddy because it happens a lot. so if you do get rejected brush it off and realize its time to get over her. If she says yes then CONGRATS! you've made it passed the hardest step. After that you just have to buy her a banging corsage, dinner, and make sure she has a rocking good time without smuggling her. Good luck to you.

I'm 17 and truly love this girl?

Aw! You sound like a very sweet boy, and you are very cute! As a girl, the best advice I can give you is to tell her what you just told me! That since the day you met her, you have had this feeling you've never had before! And say that you've been trying to convince her to go out with you. She will think it is the sweetest thing ever, and will most likely say yes! Oh, and also as a little tip, tell her that you think she is beautiful. Lol, if you call a girl that, it always helps! Good luck!

I'm 17 and truly love this girl?

u r lik me ........................................... 4 me its too late call her now %26amp; tell her how much u love her not only her but also her soul, behaviour, beauty, etc..................i'll pray 4 u.................i think that she will accept u.....................if so then u hav to mail me .............................BEST OF LUCK

I'm 17 and truly love this girl?

hey its great u love that girl, just try and make some jokes and ask her something like play 20 questions, if u kno her type kind of act like to see if she will talk to u more, do u kno if she is taken? that might help out or if she likes someone else? that plays a factor too. just talk to her more and stuff like that.

I'm 17 and truly love this girl?

Just ask her. Don't beat around the bush.

The worst thing she can say is no.

I know that sounds horrible but that's life and it's all you can do.

As humans we can't control what the other wants.

We just have to deal with the out come.

If she says no then it wansn't mean for you guys to go to prom together. And if she says yes then party!!

And you better hurry before someone else asks her.

The worst thing is to sit at home and regret not doing something sooner so go for it.

You're a handsome guy.

Use some of that charm in you!

And forget every body who says you don't know what love is all of you can go some where.

I'm 15 and I know I am deeply in love.

It doesn't come with an age and you're all probably lonely.

Get a life and stop telling people they can't love some one deeply because of their age go screw yourself..

Ok so don't listen to them. If you love her go for it.

If she says no then that's her mistake. Ask another lucky female she might appreciate you more anyways.

I'm 17 and truly love this girl?

im 17 years old too and im a female... so I think you should just be like hey i really like you and i wanted to know if you would be my prom date... if you think your to shy to do that write her a note saying will you be my prom date with to check boxes lol! i think thats adorable so im sure she will too.

I'm 17 and truly love this girl?

Your not uglt your really attractive actually if you lived in chicago i would ask you to prom.But anyway my advice ist to bring it up in a conversation

I'm 17 and truly love this girl?

i would just go right out there and ask her. take a chance. who knows, right? it wouldn't hurt, and it also wouldn't hurt to tell her how you feel. at least, she'll know.

I'm 17 and truly love this girl?

Dude just ask her to go to prom with you!!!!Don't do it over myspace of course, just send her a message like "hey can we hang out this weekend?? or call her. If she said yes, just take her to whatever place you want to take her. To break the Ice just talk about stuff that you guys both like, Music, movies, etc.... just asker questions, but not too personal, you'll think of something. When you drop her off, just look her in the eyes and ask her If she would like to go to prom with you???its easy and Who knows she might say yes!!!!!Good luck!!!!!!

I'm 17 and truly love this girl?

Ok, No one can tell you how you feel first of all. I was in love at 16. My view has changed a bit, you learn a lot as you get older. But I've also come to regret a lot of things. I was shy in high school and I missed out on a lot of great opportunities because of it. Don't hold back. If you want to ask her do so. Whats the worst she can say "no"? That's not so bad. Just be honest with her and say you've been thinking about prom and you think the two of you would have a lot of fun together. I wouldn't tell her exactly how you feel though. That might freak her out a little. Even if she says no, so what! Atleast you asked, and with more experience this will help you with your shyness. Be confident too, dont act scared! Girls dont like that :) Good luck

I'm 17 and truly love this girl?

Hey, you are a cute guy,I have just seen your photo. be yourself, be a guy, take a deep breath before you take any step think of what you felt the first time you met her, if it's true then walk up to her and tell her everything don't feel scared or shy, you're a guy.

Good Luck.

I'm 17 and truly love this girl?

wait for 1 year

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