Sunday, December 6, 2009

How can i make a girl i know i love like me back?

She really just wants to be friends. Were good friends and tell each other everything. We talk on the phone at night but its always about the other boys she likes... i told her i was done liking her like that and we could just be friends. these past 3 days have been so hard on me because just the sight of her or her name "Robin" or her myspace page or people that she likes just makes me want her that much more. Just because i told her im done with her doesnt mean i dont still love her. i mean i love her to death id die for her. i just dont understand whats the matter. I told her i never break promises and she believes me but she wont date me. What is it that im doing wrong. i promised id never cheat/lie/backstab/flirt/or even think of any other girls. i just need her so bad. what do i do?

How can i make a girl i know i love like me back?

you are doing everything right, it's just that she's not ready for you yet. give her time and space, if she truly wants you, she will come to you. don't push or rush, or you will end up losing her completely. there's nothing you can do right now, just wait...

How can i make a girl i know i love like me back?

yea well get over it find another girl

How can i make a girl i know i love like me back?

You cannot make someone else like you. Love is not a toy; it's an emotion. If she really ever liked you, then time will bring her back to you without any effort on your part.

How can i make a girl i know i love like me back?

dont act desperate. girls get turned off by that. start hanging out with another girl. talk to robin about her all the time. if robin likes you she will get jelous and might tell you her feelings or ask you out. good luck

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