Thursday, December 3, 2009

Have You Ever Noticed It's Guys That Break Girl's Hearts AndUs Girls Still Are In Love Wit

My BF Broke Up with me twice in 2 weeks.but here is how it went:he asks me out,i say no,he keeps askin and tellin me that he is good,and that he would never break my heart.i was a fool and believed him.So we went out 4 a week,then randomly on myspace IM he just breaks up with, yeah,i made a pretty big deal bout it..i was really the next day we get back 2gether cuz he still liked me and i still liked him.THEN a week l8er he breaks with me again over IM.this time 4 ggod.but in between the painful month that i still loved him,he told me on and off that he stilled loved me and wanted 2 go back out but he didnt wnt a gf at the we were friends off and on on HIS count.long stroy short. he couldnt make up his mind.then after skool 1 day we were hangin out with some of his friends,but they left and it was just us. we hung out 4 a while and had fun.then the next time i talk 2 him he is pissed at me and hates me and now completly ignors me.this is only 1/2 of it.SLHL

Have You Ever Noticed It's Guys That Break Girl's Hearts AndUs Girls Still Are In Love With The Guys?

Find someone else.

Have You Ever Noticed It's Guys That Break Girl's Hearts AndUs Girls Still Are In Love With The Guys?

Have you ever noticed that it happens to everyone, not just girls?

Or were you too busy ignoring everyone else and focusing on yourself?

Have You Ever Noticed It's Guys That Break Girl's Hearts AndUs Girls Still Are In Love With The Guys?

have i noticed? yes. what do i do? keep moving foward

Have You Ever Noticed It's Guys That Break Girl's Hearts AndUs Girls Still Are In Love With The Guys?

now normally i have a strong dislike for thoes named "andy" but i think i have to agree with him here

Have You Ever Noticed It's Guys That Break Girl's Hearts AndUs Girls Still Are In Love With The Guys?

some shits happend to me

by 6 girls to be exact

and ive only went wit 7 girls

cant say girls are the only ones to get screwed i got screwed my 6 diff ppl

thats sounded funny

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