Sunday, December 6, 2009

Does myspace determine character?

lol okay im going to ask a really retarded question just because someone gave me a really retarded answer..some girl/guy whoever used my questions/answers and my myspace (since im addicted i post it everywhere lol) to determine that i must be "hateful" and that no one should take me seriously...which ill admit is the case half the time (the serious part - IM NOT HATEFUL AT ALL! im a goofball and i like to laugh at myself n others A LOT). my myspace is pretty retarded and i like it that way but how rediculous is it to call me hateful when you dont know me? oh well they'll get over it. but 17. so have you ever seen someones myspace and pre judged their character? i havent personally - i dont take myspace too seriously - its just a place to communicate with ppl you know. an alternative for the phone i guess. i want opinions! check out my stupid myspace! message me or im me if you want an opinion on something!! l8ter loves.

Does myspace determine character?

"Hide your face so the world will never find you" - quoted from Memo's website. Apparently, no you can't tell anything about a person's character when they are lying. Or does that say enough about a person's character, when they openly admit lying?

" I'm actually very dramatic, I'm loud, some say obnoxious...I probably have something to say about everything 99.9% of the time" - quoted from Ashley's Myspace. Can you say hypocrit?

"P.S. regarding the hateful email I just got from the asker- the asker, and frankly quite a few of the answerers, needs to take a f()cking history class and stop using this "issue" to justify hatred for white people. trust me; whitey is WAY TOO BUSY to hold you down in 2007...why the asker feels she deserves an apology I havent a clue." quoted by Dr. Schmitty, someone that answered a question you asked. - obviously you stalk people more than you'd like to admit to yourself.

"okay im going to ask a really retarded question just because someone gave me a really retarded answer" quote from Memo, clearly harassing and attempting to embarrass someone.

" i think your answer to my question is hilarious. first off how do you know my character so well to call me "hateful"? um obviously you seem kind of obsessed with me but thats okay i guess. and regardless of my character (which you obviously know nothing about) how does that influence with my views on politics? and as for not "taking me seriously" i do a lot of research for my age in reference to politics and i do take it very seriously. ignorance." direct quote from an email sent by the asker, harrassing me for a question that I answered.

How about this for research? I'm sure you'll delete your hypocritical, simple minded question now. Obviously words do bite back. Maybe if you spent more time with your mouth shut you would actually learn a few things. I seriously doubt it, on the basis that I believe you are incapable of learning anything.

Openly calling people names, and sending them ugly emails is the sign that you are not only immature, but you are ignorant, as well. Nice doing business with you, Teeny-Bopper. PS. Might wanna take off a few pounds, don't you wanna at least be cute on the outside? The inside's shot.

The interesting part is that I never even got around to telling the whole truth. Unless you want the crap to really come out, I suggest you face yourself.

Does myspace determine character?

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Does myspace determine character?

I think some people would like to think so. Me? No I don't think it can. You can't tell what a person is really like by looking at a webpage. I think people go alot deeper than that.

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