Thursday, December 3, 2009

Am in love and i cant say it ?

am in love with some girl who lives in england, she said that she will come to my country as a tourist next summer, she broke up with her boyfriend about month ago, they were in love for 3 years and he cheated on her so she left him, anyway i want to tell her that i am in love with her, should i wait till she come here and then tell her or i have to tell her that im in love with her over internet, some times she shows that she love me back and some times i feel that she completely ignore me, i always text her on her cell phone and i send to her messages on myspace every day but she dont reply to me, well she rarely reply to me, and when i ask her why u didnt answer she says that she was very busy, she called me before on my cell and she tried to call me after it, what i have to do ?, i dont know if she will accept me or not.

Am in love and i cant say it ?

You know man, it's very hard to accept the fact that you really never know a person not unless if you see her personally.

Am in love and i cant say it ?

i think itd be better to wait until she gets there..more real/sweet/emotional of a love confession than over internet but its really up to you ^^

hm well when she says shes busy she prolly is...prolly not ignoring you ^^

well best of luck to you~!

Am in love and i cant say it ?

don't be a rush..

Am in love and i cant say it ?

I had a man like you on my backside. I don't mean this to sound mean. But take the hint. She really isn't interested.

You cant love some one you have never met face to face. That is a fact! Your in love with the thought of love!

Am in love and i cant say it ?

say it, everyone wants to be loved!

Am in love and i cant say it ?

Why wouldn't she accept you? I'm sure she would, and if she's a student, then she probably really is uber busy with school. And I mean, a lot of epople have a lot of things to do rather then come online. I'm barely on the computer any more because I have so many projects, and essays, and sheets of homework to finish.

And as for telling her you love her, wait till you see her in person. It makes the statement all the more special. Saying it online, through a text message, or Myspace wouldn't convey the emotions you feel towards her.

Anyway, good luck with whatever you decide to do.



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