Thursday, December 3, 2009

Love again or Wait?

i met this guy he is a westler. i'm a farm girl last time i was in love was March 9th 2007. turnd down everyone well he still a virgin im not. he is popular with alot of people. i put my # in his cell it rang like 4 times with diff girl names. i was like wow he seems really cool. he likes me he said he wants to lose his viginity really bad. then he started talkin realtionship so im kind off concerned. bc last time i got cheated on by my first BF with 3 girls and a week b4 my sweet 16. then some pics were posted with one girls myspace the date my grandmother died of cancer i was very upset. i though i could talk to him and figure him out more and get to know him better?? what do you think i really don't want another heart break.thxx

Love again or Wait?

The worst failure is never trying at is full of chances...just make the best decision you can and learn from them...not all men/women are the same...if you feel that they are you become the BIG loser in it all...

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