Sunday, December 6, 2009

I met a girl on myspace, but....?

We became a couple, but in the beginning, I lied about my background, and only had one picture that wasnt me. I later showed her and told her the truth. She got mad, dumped me, and said that she still loved me. It has now been 3 weeks since that happened. We are supposedly back together.

I write her comments saying, "I love you" "I miss you" "I really love you" but she never writes me comments like that, only, "How are you doing, kisses"

I found out that she has been writing comments to other two guys saying, "Hey Beautiful" And "I like you" But me, supposedly the boyfriend receives no comments. She only writes me e-mails saying that she loves me. I recently wrote her a comment saying that I also was deeply in love with her, and to my surprise, she erased it!!! Like if she doesnt want anyone else to know.

I know the lying was bad, I learned my lesson, but what should I do? Am I being played on?

I met a girl on myspace, but....?

It's been three weeks. You don't love her. Slow down and tell the truth next time. Just give her some breathing room and slowly build trust. She has every right to ignore you.

I met a girl on myspace, but....?

ask her calmly about the erasing comment thing. like "hey, you erased my comment~ you dont want my love? lol"

im leaning on the you're getting played on thing but i would ask her about things calmly before making assumptions.

I met a girl on myspace, but....?

You're not in love with her. Saying you are creeps her out, and she's deleting the messages.

I think you need to tone it down and see how things go.

I met a girl on myspace, but....?

Bring it up with her. The lying about ur background thing isnt too bad if you did it for the right reasons: safty mainly. It's not right of her to forgive and then forget you. Tell her how you feel about it and if she freaks on you dont freak. She's not worth your time if she's gonna be twofaced with you, babe. Good luck.

I met a girl on myspace, but....?

Well, if it's a purely e-relationship and you've never met, cut it out now. It's not a good relationship to be in as it is.

Also, she probably has and HAS had more than two other guys she's been talking to as people seem to be a bit too loose on the internet.

Your best bet is to sever the relationship and then avoid any further purely internet girlfriend/boyfriend relationships. They just aren't healthy.

I met a girl on myspace, but....?

You never met each other and you're saying you're in love? blah

I met a girl on myspace, but....?

Stay away from her. Let her go! I know you don't want to, but it is in your best interest.

1. you lied

2. if she liked YOU, it wouldn't matter

3. let the superficial idiot go....she is not worth it.

4. obviously, she does this quite frequently...beware of her.

I met a girl on myspace, but....?

ok how could you say you guys loved each other if you never met hmmmm. who cares about her and forget about her if she really loved you she wouldnt care about the picture thing and erase your comments.

I met a girl on myspace, but....?

I'm glad to here you learned your lesson, lying is bad business. But any way, id say dump this girl. She's cold, an seems to be stringing you along. Id dump her in a heart beat. An do it in a way that's just as cold as she was to you.

I met a girl on myspace, but....?

dude, its myspace. its a stupid website. get over it.

I met a girl on myspace, but....?

I hate to say it, but I think you are being played on. I'm a girl, and if I had a guy I loved writing comments like that about me, I'd write the same kind of comments back. And if she's writing better comments about other guys, that says to me she's not ready for a commitment. Maybe she's keeping you around because she likes the attention. But she seems too immature to keep a relationship, so I would move on. I know that seems like a harsh thing to say about someone you care about, but she's not treating you right and you deserve better!

I met a girl on myspace, but....?

Yep, but only because you are allowing her to do so. After all, she is just getting back at you for you lying and playing her. Best thing to do is get over it and move on.

I would advise against e-mailing her and confronting her on deleting your comment as she will just think you are trying to control her and tell everyone you are stalkerish.

Best revenge is success in your own life and learn to have confidence in yourself.

Online relationships are real anyway, in the long run for a relationship to work you are going to want someone who wants you for who you truly are and they are out there, if you just go looking for them.

Try to meet real, live girls that like the same things you do by hanging out in places that you like and starting a conversation with the girls that are there that you think are hot without coming on to them. If they seem interested, just ask them to meet you there again sometime and if they do, you know they are interested before you waste your time asking them out.

I met a girl on myspace, but....?

mmm is she a good person? the kind that you know for sure wouldnt cheat or anything of the like? if shes normally a flirt, then you better watch out because you hafta think about what your relationship in the long term...if you can keep dating a girl who flirts with other guys. basically, i think your girlfriend just doesnt want to publicize the relationship. dont think of it as her being ashamed of you or anything, but its just that some people feel comfortable expressing how the feel (as im guessing you do) and some arent as comfortable. same with PDA. im still kinda worried about her comments on other guys' myspaces though...keep your eye on that.

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