Thursday, December 3, 2009

How do you get rid of a myspace account?

my daughter has become the victim of a nasty cousin who knew her password and has now decided to turn on her, she has gotten into het myspace account and changed all her details, saying she loves girls and is a lesbian, etc, great for a 16 yr old to do to her 13 year old cousin, anyway i would like to get rid of it all together, it causes too many problems in this household. any suggestions.?

How do you get rid of a myspace account?

if you can log on, go to account settings, go find cancel account and click, an email will be sent to email address, open email, click link, done!

How do you get rid of a myspace account?

provided you can still get into the account, you go to account settings and you can just cancel account from there. you can also change the password and email, if she absolutely must keep the account. that way the cuz wont have that information. but imo.....better to cancel account!!

How do you get rid of a myspace account?

Yes go to settings and then account and somewhere in the bottom it'll say account cancelation click that and bingo the acount is cancelled..

How do you get rid of a myspace account?

I believe that myspace has a F.A.Q. page which tells you how to do all that

How do you get rid of a myspace account?

Log in, then go to 'my account' and there is a place that says 'cancel my account'.

How do you get rid of a myspace account?

go to delete profile under settings.

How do you get rid of a myspace account?

modify your host file in windows to block all myspace pages including IM if you want. Search for ""block myspace hosts file"" and you will find sites that show you all the web addresses and IP's myspace uses. Copy them all down.

go to start.... my computer. ..... your hard drive ........ windows ....... system32 ...... drivers ..... etc....... in that folder open host file in notepad.

this is my host file for blocking

# Copyright (c) 1993-1999 Microsoft Corp.


# This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.


# This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each

# entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should

# be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.

# The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one

# space.


# Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual

# lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.


# For example:


# # source server

# # x client host localhost

Comments (#) before an entry make that entry ignored by the browser.

Now to delete the account you need to be able to access the myspace account. When you delete the account it will send a confirmation mail you have to click on a link there........ it's the only way... no click on link, the account stays. It has to be the mail the account has on file.

you may be able to mail their support and try to get it deleted that way but it is a major hassle with little results in most cases.... you need to mail them a firm but semi friendly letter for them to listen. A good one would be to mention that they are allowing abuse of a minor, if they don't respond.. (it worked for me once).

remember to backup the original host file.. copy and paste it somewhere you will remember... just in case of connectivity probs due to an error you may have made.

The host file is the place the browser looks first, before going on to check the actuall web for an address. Using URL's and IP numbers will give better results. Myspace uses multiple servers for various things and if you dont block all, theres a chance it can be accessed.

good luck

How do you get rid of a myspace account?

if you have access to the myspace account, but you dont have access to the email that was used to create it to confirm the deletion of the profile, simply clear out all the sections and put this text into the about me section

I am really 13 years old

then log out of the profile, and go to the bottom of it and click REPORT ABUSE and report the profile for being an underage user

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