Thursday, December 3, 2009

Girlies.. why do guys disrespect girls?

Im a guy and i think im the totally opposite then what u will tell me, i agree, guys do disrespect woman a whole lot! im one of the few good men around here! well i have a question, i love girls a whole lot, dated them, want to marry them, make it public! but i have a boyfriend in washington, well kinda, we haven't seen each other, hes gay, i want only him as a one and only boyfriend, im very masculine thank you, anyways

i have a crush on him, weve been threw myspace, yahoo instant messenger, phone, pictures, and webcam, and im thinking about seeing him, i live in az, he lives in washington, im a college geek kinda, i DO NOT believe in gay marriages, thats just no, or public relationships with a guy, nope, my question is whats ur advise? im not going to let it go to far, bc we both know

im not getting married

but i just wanna have fun a little bit,

and maybe be roommates while in college,

im realy interested in him only tho! i will NOT have another bf 4 a fact!

Girlies.. why do guys disrespect girls?

well, although I seriously don't see the link of how guys disrespect girls and you liking another guy but if you stand for your own rights, don't bother about what others say, don't send the wrong message to the guy; like tell him what you want and/or don't want in a relationship it should go pretty well.

Girlies.. why do guys disrespect girls?

your question is... what?

what does disrespecting girl have to do with your sexuality?

-men think they're better... boy are they wrong...

Girlies.. why do guys disrespect girls?

internet dating is very dangerous, i suggest you leave this person right this instant, before you get your heart bruised, and worse, broken.

i been there and its not worth it, honest to god, i wish i had never started it.

Girlies.. why do guys disrespect girls?

what does this have to do with disrespect on females?

Girlies.. why do guys disrespect girls?

When i started to read this question, i thought you where a nice guy. Why do you have to be gay? : ( : (

Girlies.. why do guys disrespect girls?

I'm wondering if you had a religious upbringing. You have a crush on a guy, yet you are against people being openly gay. Something isn't right here man.

Forget about your hang ups and just accept yourself. If you like girls and guys then you are bisexual. There is nothing wrong with that. And just because you only like one guy that doesn't make you any less bi. You are what you are. And being masculine doesn't have anything to do with it. There are some homosexual males that are more masculine than some hetrosexual males.

Internet relationships can be dangerous but they can also turn out very well. You just have to be careful. Only meet in public places and don't be alone with them right away. Also if a person isn't willing to travel even a little bit to see you, then it won't work out. I've met some really awesome people after talking to them online. I met my first love online. And having your heart broken is a part of life. It DOES NOT matter how you met them.

p.s Why is this in makeup?

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