Thursday, December 3, 2009

Am i decent looking *for girls*?

I believe im fair looking, but i've always had difficulty finding a gf, and usually end up just making a friend. im not gay, idk if girls think i am cuz im nice and nice to them, or what. i just had to ask my bestfriend who's a girl if she thinks im appealing, she said yes but differently, u see this is the girl im in love with but she is hesitant to date me cuz im 4 years older and her parents hate that, even though she's 18 she still cant go against them, its sad., but anyways im heavy, have a beard and whatever else. i have pics at : its up to u, seeing a pic might help u, idk. this wont change nothing, but you see i cant go souly by the word of my bestfriend who knows i love her, even if its true cuz she would lie so not to think it would hurt me. I havent had many admirers over the years, but the few i have had, never pulled through, all the girls end up wanting a friend, idk what else to say but ur opinion would be noted and appreciated, thanx

Am i decent looking *for girls*?

Aww.. i read your myspace and you are totally fine! It sucks that you haven't had too much luck :( especially because you sound like a really amazing guy. Alot of times you just have to give a girl time.. she may like you as a friend first, but that's often how it starts out. I know with my boyfriend we started out as friends but i eventually began to think of him as more than that. He was always standing up for me and he'd call to make sure i got home safe.. stuff like that, which was really sweet. He was also always complimenting me if i'd had a bad day or though i was having a bad hairday lol..

Basically he was always there for me and then one day i just realized, hey- he's everything i want. AND he's been right there in front of me the entire time. I know it sucks but just give it time and i'm sure it won't be long and you'll have her falling all over you! =) we especially pay attention to the small stuff, or at least i do.. even the smallest things can let you know how someone really feels towards you, which is why i am rarely wrong when i follow my intuition..

and ps- you are totally hot! lol.. i would completely date you!! so don't worry. hope u cheer up a bit! wish i could helpé–³?br>Am i decent looking *for girls*?

if she loves you it doesn't matter what you look like. i'll check out the my space later. I'll do a friend request. my myspace is

okay so i went and i can't add you as a friend but


irish guys are totally hott!!!!!!!! don't doubt yourself

Am i decent looking *for girls*?

I think you look cute. Believe me, there are girls out there who will love you. You just have to wait.

Am i decent looking *for girls*?

You look great and most girls are idiots. We say we want a nice sensitive guy but then we end up leaving them for a bad boy. I personally have learned over many years looks aren't important it is what inside the counts. The one for you will come and when it does it will be amazing....By the way if she loved you nothing could keep her from being with you.

Am i decent looking *for girls*?

ok one im 18 like jessica whom im guessing is who the girl is because shes the first person on your top friends and commented a whole bunch on your pictures lol

and btw you two look really similar like light eyes same color face bone structure...

but if what you wanted to know wass if you were attractive ... well people do have different tastes for me you're cute but not like ohmygod hot.... sorry ur not bad looking at all and your eyes r amazing

but from ur captions so seem insecure which doesnt help i mean u have to be confident ... u seem like u have an amazing personality which counts for more then looks ever could...

personally it seems like she just may be using her family as an easy dont hurt ben's feelings way out...

my advice is if she liked you more than a friend something would have happened espcially since she knows u like her.... i bet if you showed interest in someone else she would think twice about the whole me+ben = just friends thing

and while we're on it you can add me too im usually on facebook lol but more friends is always fun :)

good luck and remember everything will work out just as it is supposed to in the end

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